Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My baby girl!

My baby girl is almost 6 weeks old! How the time has flown by. She's had a little bit of a stomach virus lately but the Dr. gave her some medicine. She's been to see me play soccer and basketball already. Steph brought her up to the gym and she sat with her Grandma Gladden during the game. She must be good luck, because I shot outstanding that night! I havn't played that well in a while, even though it wasn't a good team we played against.

That's her great Grandma JoAnne. She came over the first night that Mom came over to the house to watch Delaney. Every one still says she looks like the Schroeder side of the family. I guess she'll act like me then! That won't be good. Haha.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

one month old

Well Delaney is a month old today! I can't believe it. Its sad how fast this month with her has gone. It sure has be a blast though. She is finally growing into her newborn cloths well and some 0-3 month outfits fit her. They are a little big but its so fun to put her in new outfits.

She is growing up just perfect, she weighs about 8 pounds now and has a head full of hair. She is starting to reconize our voices more now and looks around for us when she hears us talk.

Delaney adores her grandpa, he is the first person she ever smiled at and is always so content being with him.
Uncle Kyle held her for the first time Saturday, I still think he doesnt really know how to react with her. All in all though the picture was cute.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Her First Easter

Well tomorrow is easter sunday! Delaneys first holiday. Its been beautiful this whole weekend and tomorrow is suspose to be just as nice. Were going to Grandma and Grandpa Gladden's for lunch and then to Grandma and Grandpa Schroeder's for dinner. Patrick and I went easter shopping for her on wed and got her an outfit to wear tomorrow and of course I got niner a bone for the day. We cant forget our boy too.
Today we got some really good pictures of her in the outfit Aunt Cathy and Lindsey got for her! I got one of them printed so I could put it in a fram in her room.
She is doing really well with her feeding and stays away more during the day. Her 2 week visit at the doctor went well, she weighed 6lbs again so she is back to her birth weight and every thing looked great. We decied to make her first outing a soccer game. Its going to be the sherando-vs-millbrook game, she will be about a month old and hopefull the weather will cooperate that night.