Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Its fall, that means leaves are changing, and the air is getting cooler. Delaney is growing into quite the cutie too. She is 7months now and as happy as can be! She has her first two teeth and can crawl very well now. She is now trying to learn to walk and there is no stopping her. She is determined to pull herself up on anything and everything she can.

We went to the winchester farmers markert last week with grandma and grandpa to pick out a pumpkin and got some very cute pictures. She fit in with the pumpkins very well! She had a lot of fun playing with the corn stalks with grandpa and grandma and playing on the toy train with mom and dad.

We carved the pumpkin dad picked out today and Delaney had a blast playing in the pumpkin goo. She was very curious about it and had to have a bath after she w
as done!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Delaney's first trip to wisconsin

Delaney is about to turn 5months and is doing great. She is on her first vacation with mom and dad. We are up in northern wisconsin visiting Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Miller. We stopped in Beloit first to meet Great Grandpa Schroeder. She also got to meet her Great Aunt Sue and Great Uncle Jim. We are into our 3rd day of our trip and its already been a blast.

Delaney was wonderful the whole way up in the car, she slept most of the way and played with her toys if she wasnt asleep.

She just started to have rice cerele before we came up here and seemed ready to try and eat from a spoon. She did really well with it. It looks like she is going to be ready for baby food very soon! That means I will have to start making some baby food very soon.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

4 Months Old

Delaney is four months old today! She is turning into one strong little girl! Her legs are the strongest and loves being held up she can hold on to things better now so she holds herself up on the couches now with mom or dad close by to catch her if she gets tired. she can pick her shoulders up when she is on her stomach and we weighed her yesterday and she weighed a little over 11 pounds.

Mom took her first big step and had her first night away from Delaney last night.... I didnt like it that much. I wont be doing it all that much Im sure. Patrick had to talk me out of going to get her on our way home last night, good thing he was driving.

She is such a good girl everywhere we go! Everyone thinks she is such a cutie too!!! We all still think she looks like mom and Grandpa!!!

Daddys 30th birthday is coming up, its hard to believe that a year ago that day we found out we were going to be having a baby. Now I cant even imagine my life with out her or Patrick!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

3months old!

Delaney is 3 months old today! She has had a busy month of June so far. It started with her 2month check up, she went at 11 weeks so it was a little after 2months but she got her 2month shots and I cried when they did them. she weighed 9 pounds 14 ounces and was 22 inches long so she has grown a lot since she was born. That evening we ended up at grandmas though because the shots made her legs hurt really bad and I needed the grandmas touch to calm her down but that didnt work so we settled for some baby tylenol after 3 hours of crying she finally stopped and fell asleep in grandpas lap. What a rough day for her :( It made both her mom and grandma cry.

Her deveolpment is doing great she sleeps through the night most nights sometimes she wakes up and wants her diaper changed but she goes right back to sleep and is up after 7 hours wanting to eat. After she eats she is wide away and wanting to play. She always smiles at us in the morning and giggles. Her legs are getting so strong and is already standing up with help she is starting to pick up one foot at a time now too! She loves to stand up and look around at everyone. If she isnt doing that she is wanting to be walking around so she can see what all is going on. She is a busy body just like her dad!

She went on her very first road trip t
his past weekend to North Carolina. We went down to Charlotte to meet some family! She was such a good baby the whole way down and was so good the whole time we were visiting too! We had so much fun were going back down for Jackson's first birthday over labor day weekend!!!! This time daddy gets to go with so it will be even more fun!

Well thats all for now... here are some pictures though

Delaney's first trip to the farm to see the baby horses!!!

Her favoriet thing to do during the day is swing, untill she falls asleep

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Such a busy girl

well Its been a while since I have written and let me say it doesnt seem like it. Delaney makes life so much fun and time files when I get to spend the day with her. Since I have last written She has been to soccer games to cheer on my high school team I coach and to watch me play in my first game back after having her. She has gone to watch her daddy play soccer and basketball also. She has had many visitors and goes to see grandma and grandpa schroeder every day! Her first smile was at Grandpa Schroeder, and her first photographed smile was at Grandma Schroeder. She is staying more and more awake every day and sleeps up to 5 hours at night now sometimes. She is a very happy baby and grunts and groans a lot but its never because she is upset.
I got a new job as a dog bather at petsmart so Im back to work before I wanted to head back and it sucks! Good thing I really like the job! I cried on my way to work the first three days. I missed her so much and hurried home after every shift. I wouldnt let patrick have her after my first day of work we had to catch up and spent that whole evening together. Now that I'm done my training and I'm working with dogs more I rush home and shower before I hold her so I don't get her sick since I deal with a lot of dirty dogs!
She has celebrated her first easter, first Apple Blossom, and I got to spend my first mothers day with her all day! It was wonderful.
Spending some quality time with daddy

Her first picture smiling

She Loves Bathtime

AppleBlossom Fireworks with Tyler and Brittany

AppleBlossom with Grandma and Grandpa

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My baby girl!

My baby girl is almost 6 weeks old! How the time has flown by. She's had a little bit of a stomach virus lately but the Dr. gave her some medicine. She's been to see me play soccer and basketball already. Steph brought her up to the gym and she sat with her Grandma Gladden during the game. She must be good luck, because I shot outstanding that night! I havn't played that well in a while, even though it wasn't a good team we played against.

That's her great Grandma JoAnne. She came over the first night that Mom came over to the house to watch Delaney. Every one still says she looks like the Schroeder side of the family. I guess she'll act like me then! That won't be good. Haha.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

one month old

Well Delaney is a month old today! I can't believe it. Its sad how fast this month with her has gone. It sure has be a blast though. She is finally growing into her newborn cloths well and some 0-3 month outfits fit her. They are a little big but its so fun to put her in new outfits.

She is growing up just perfect, she weighs about 8 pounds now and has a head full of hair. She is starting to reconize our voices more now and looks around for us when she hears us talk.

Delaney adores her grandpa, he is the first person she ever smiled at and is always so content being with him.
Uncle Kyle held her for the first time Saturday, I still think he doesnt really know how to react with her. All in all though the picture was cute.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Her First Easter

Well tomorrow is easter sunday! Delaneys first holiday. Its been beautiful this whole weekend and tomorrow is suspose to be just as nice. Were going to Grandma and Grandpa Gladden's for lunch and then to Grandma and Grandpa Schroeder's for dinner. Patrick and I went easter shopping for her on wed and got her an outfit to wear tomorrow and of course I got niner a bone for the day. We cant forget our boy too.
Today we got some really good pictures of her in the outfit Aunt Cathy and Lindsey got for her! I got one of them printed so I could put it in a fram in her room.
She is doing really well with her feeding and stays away more during the day. Her 2 week visit at the doctor went well, she weighed 6lbs again so she is back to her birth weight and every thing looked great. We decied to make her first outing a soccer game. Its going to be the sherando-vs-millbrook game, she will be about a month old and hopefull the weather will cooperate that night.

Friday, March 26, 2010

1 week old

I finally got some pictures of Delaney with her eyes open. She is just precious. She is still not too active but considering she shouldn't even be here yet I think she is doing great.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I love being a Grandma :)

Being a Grandma is everything I was hoping for. Delaney is so cute. I get to see her every day which is so much fun. I don't think I have quit smiling since she arrived. I am babysitting her tonight while Patrick takes Stephanie to the Millbrook girls first soccer game. She is being a perfect little angel. All our pets are very interested in her. Snickers really likes her. He sits by the pack and play waiting for some action. Thank you, Stephanie and Patrick for giving me such a beautiful granddaughter. I love you all.


Monday, March 22, 2010

3 weeks early

Well, Delaney decided to arrive early. She knew we all couldn't wait for her to get here. I had my baby shower on the 13th and got so much stuff for her. We had a lot of fun putting it all together. It was hard work too! Aunt Cathy, Lindsey and Jackson come from Charlotte to help with everything. Jack tried out all the swings and baby products. He was so much fun to have around. Mom and I went to target and got some other things we needed on Sunday and Monday and I spent Tuesday folding and putting her cloths away. On Wednesday I had to go back to work which meant I had a full day ahead of me. Work was very steady and went by quick. After work I had to head to soccer. After soccer mom took me to my last birthing class and then we went to the Millbrook boys soccer game. I finally got home at around 9:30 and got a shower and went to bed. Patrick was out with some friends to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I couldn't sleep, I was so uncomfortable. My water broke around 11:40 and I called mom to see what it was because I wasn't having contractions so I was not sure if my water really broke. She said she would take me to the hospital just in case. I started to have contractions on the way to the hospital. They were 4mins apart and mom told me to call Patrick and tell him to tell his mom to get to the hospital that Delaney was on the way. By the time I got to the hospital, around 12, I was 4-5 cm and she was well on the way. When Patrick got there they were coming quicker and quicker and the labor room was ready for me. Mom, Patrick and Patrick's mom were there waiting and my contractions were getting more painful so our moms decided to head to the waiting room. I was 8cm by then. I finally got to start pushing but had to stop so the doctor could get in the room to deliver. Delaney arrived at 1:52 am and weighed 6lb and was 19 inches long. She was perfect!!! Patrick got to cut the cord and everything went so quick its hard to remember much of it. I was not ready for such a quick delivery. I was expecting the 12-24hrs everyone tells you about. Delaney must not have much patience like me and her dad. I was so excited I didn't sleep till the next night.

We are thrilled to have her here already. I have never been so happy! She is very healthy and has blond hair (like me) and blue eyes ( like her dad). She is now 4 days old and has finally straightened her arms and legs all the way. She had her first Dr. appointment today and that went well. She seems more alert during the evening but its hard to tell. She still sleeps a lot.

Her first bath at home was last night and she didn't enjoy it too much but we expected that. She fell asleep right after.
I will write more soon

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Well we all are anxiously waiting Delaney's arrival. Patrick and I have been taking child birth classes and I kind of think Patrick gets bored with them but I have learned a lot from everything they have taught us so far. We have finished the baby room. With dad being so talented with fixing things up he took her closet and put built in shelves in her room to have better storage space. It looks great!!! We did her room in green and then did stripes down one wall with pink green purple and white. I love it. We had to compromise on the colors and Patrick and mom's first pick won that. It took me a while to grow on the colors but I love it now.

I have 6 weeks left and I hope it goes very quickly, my back is starting to hurt worse every day. Work has been great with it and is so understanding. I went home an hour early today so I could get some rest before I had to be at soccer practice. Soccer has been a blast, I think doing soccer is going to make these last six weeks go very quickly. The girls I coach are wonderful and make things so easy on me.
Once games start mom will be going to all the games in case Delaney decides to come during a game. If she does though I would say its a sign she will be a great soccer player! So its ok if that happens.
The baby shower is coming up pretty quickly which means Aunt Cathy and Lindsey are coming up. That means I get to meet Jack for the first time. I can't wait his pictures are adorable and I bet his personality matches how adorable he is. I took the whole weekend off of work so we can spend a lot of time with family! CAN'T WAIT!

Stephanie (mom-to-be)